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New hug vest offers therapy

Monday, March 10, 2014


A hug, an action so simple yet so comforting. People say a hug is not just an action to express feelings but an excellent way to make tension fade away. But for people with autism – human touch is somewhat unbearable.

This is why “BioHug technologies” came up with a new vest that can give the same comforting action to people who suffer from autism, ADHD and anxiety.
Raphael Rembrandt, engineer and a father to a child with autism is the brain behind the hugging vest idea. the vest is a byproduct of one other research of Rembrandt about the autism mechanism and his vision to make a device that can make them more relaxed without the need to take medication.
Research and development of the product started at 2007 with the help and support of Doctor Eynat Gal from Haifa university in Israel, The national foundation to help kids with autism. After five years of experiments the product finally hit the market in mid 2012.
Andrew Spillman, BioHug CEO said, “Every kind of psychological relaxation affects the blood pressure, breathing and general feeling.” The vast press pressure points in the back and shoulders area that let the user reach a certain point of relaxation.
The vest works with a light air pressure device, a single computer board and small valves that feed it with air bubbles under the cotton layout. unlike deep pressure devices that provide continuous pressure, the location and duration of the pressure change all the time so the effect last for longer. Spillman explains that the problem with continuous pressure is that the body stops reacting the feeling after a certain duration of time.
The vest, unlike other devices that needs manual air pumps, provide this function automatically with a battery that holds up to 4 hours.

When food might kill you: 7 poisonous foods

The fish that might kill you, the bean that contains cyanide, the seeds that has ricin and the leafs that has the same acid as in bleach. The foods that might kill you even from the first bite, 8 poisonous foods you should be warned about!

1. The fogo fish
The first person to try this kind of fish was probably the owner of a very high sense of adventurism. Almost all fishes from this family contain tetrodotoxin which is a very powerful nerve affecting poison that blocks the sodium channels in the nerve cells and can cause death in a very short time period. It is 1200 times more poisonous than cyanide. The amount of poison in one fish can kill up to 30 people and there is no known antidote for it. This dish is considered to be a very expensive one and requires a licence to prepare. 23 people die annually from eating the fogo fish, and 338 had been poisoned between the years 2000-2009.
poisonous foods
2. Lima bean
Like any other Fabaceae, it is not recommended to eat the lima bean uncooked has the result can be disastrous. the bean, also called “the butter bean”, can hold large amounts of cyanide. But if you feel like eating a dish of lima beans, check it is properly cooked\steamed to be sure its poisons part is gone.
poisonous foods

3. Castor seeds
While the castor oil can treat different pain and problems, the seeds of the castor plant can kill you. while chewing the seeds they release ricin – one of the most powerful toxins known to man (6,000 stronger than cyanide). it takes a very low quantity of seeds to cause a very quick death. so if you bump into the plant and have an urge to taste it – you better contain yourself and buy the clean castor oil thats been filtered from the poison.
poisonous foods
4. Cassava
The bitter plant is mostly grown in south america. Just like bitter almonds – the cassava also contains cyanide in it. If you manage to get your hands on one of these you should handle it properly with soaking it and drying it. There is almost no danger in western countries since it is prepared properly in all places, but in africa this plant is considered one of the main causes for death. A lot of poor people who consume Cassava on a daily basis suffer from cyanide poisoning also called “Konzo”.
5. Rhubarb plant
The Rhubarb plant serve as a great base for cakes but his leafs contains oxalic acid – a chemical compound that is present in bleach, cleaning products for metals and products that prevent rust. The leafs on this plant also contain materials that can cause mouth burns, throat pain and can make you vomit feel really really sick.
6. Tomatoes and potatoes
The leafs and roots of these rather basic foods contain an organic compound called Sulnin. The potatoes are particularly poisonous and has sulnin in a very high concentration when he emerges from the ground and still being green. Generally – potatoes has more poisonous material than tomatoes. Sulnin has very rare poisonous cases, since it requires you to eat very large amounts of potatoes for it to make any affect. but if you happen to eat a green potato – take notice to things like over drooling, diarrhea, slow pulse, fast breathing and lowered blood pressure.
7. Mushrooms
No list of poisonous foods is complete without mentioning mushrooms, especially the amanita Phalloides that can cause death along with the Amanita Ocreata aka “The destroying angel”.
Even though we know the possible dangers of these mushrooms, poisonous cases are registered each year, since people are having troubles identifying the mushrooms.

Clone burger for only $325,000

clone burger
The main reason for choosing a vegan diet is a moral ambition to avoid animal cruelty that comes from low quality farming conditions, their slaughter or using them viciously for eggs and dairy.
Some of the vegetarians don’t even like the taste and smell of meat which makes them sick just because, according to them, its a dead corpse on a plat,. Although there are some vegetarians that miss the familiar taste of a good burger or schnitzel from years ago from their mother’s cooking.
For those people exactly , scientists are working long and hard for the last years on a kind of synthetic meat that grows on a plate and doesn’t hurt any animal. considering the advancement of science (and the upcoming possibility of cloning even humans) – cloning and growing live animal tissues is no longer science-fiction.
One of those scientists, Doctor Mark Foust from Holland is hoping to turn the artificial lab grown meat to a consumer product, but it’s production costs are still very expensive. You must be asking yourself – how is the taste?
The minimal evidence that is – say that this burger has an “ok taste” – but if you’d want to taste it yourself you’re going to need around 325,000 dollars and a plane ticket to London, where on the 5th of August a special event of cooking and eating foods that were developed in laboratories expected to be held.
This cruelty free burger is made from 20,000 strips of beef muscle tissues, and the doctor hopes that just a bit of salt and pepper will make the synthetic beef tastes natural.
Doctor Foust hopes the exposure to the product (and tasting it) will help raise donations and resources for mass production of synthetic meat that will hopefully bring  sometime in the next years tastier, with more nutrition and of course cruelty free meat.

What makes us pessimistic – and how do we become optimistic?


Recent research prove that brain activity in optimistic people is different from pessimistic, but the good news are you can change your path and say goodbye to the bad thoughts, this is how.

Always looking on the bad side of things? It’s not too late to change: researches claim that a person can teach himself to be optimistic within 7 weeks using two simple exercises. One has to do with looking at angry and smiling faces, and the other one is meditating for 20 minutes.
Using a simple exercise, our brain can change the way it acts and change our pessimistic view on life. The data was presented in a documentary film by the BBC where Michael Mosley explain that due to his insomnia he suffered for the last 20 years – he wanted to become a happier man – one that also sleeps well.
Mosley was examined by the specialist in the field – Professor Eileen Fox from Essex university in britain, and the results show that there is a lot of activity going on in his brain – in areas that are connected to negativity and pessimistic feelings.
Brain Asymmetry 
Former researches showed that people who suffer from over pessimism and anxiety have some kind of asymmetry in the big brain, so there is a lot of activity in the right hemisphere than in the left, for an unknown reason. Are you pessimistic as well? the BBC offers an online survey to help you decide.
Analyzing the electric activity in the brain, specialists succeeded in proving that the right side of Mosley’s brain is 3 times more active than the left side while resting. Mosley was offered two daily exercise to perform that will allow him to change the way he thinks. The first one – Meditation, he was asked to sit in a quite place and concentrate in physical elements like his body weight and the way he breaths, for 20 minutes. It is possible to start doing it for 10 minutes a day and gradually raise the length of the meditation.
This way, the meditation technique allows our thoughts to come and go without thinking and getting in them too much.
On the second exercise you look at a computer screen where 15 faces are displayed with anger or with no emotion – and one smiling face. Mosley was asked to recognize the smiling face and click it. after doing that – the set of faces change and again – he had to find the smiling face. The rational in the idea is to train the brain to look for positive images and get himself ready, more easily, for optimistic thoughts.
Mosley reported in the movie that after 7 weeks his mood got significantly better, he started sleeping better and feel an overall optimism. Surprisingly the asymmetry in his brain somewhat balanced. and the final indication of course – he got more optimistic.
Be optimistic in 8 steps:
  1. First of all, breath. Before you give more attention to anxiety or bad thoughts that bother you, focus on your breathing, the feeling of the air flow slowly going inside your nostrils and goes down your throat into your lungs.
  2. Listen to your heart. Feel your heart beats and imagine it pumping the blood and throwing it back to every part of your body. continue to do so until you are ready to start meditating.
  3. Organize your thoughts. Focus your attention in the thoughts that makes it hard for you. what thoughts are currently on your mind? are there many of those or is it just one that makes you feel bad everytime? Try thinking about these problems rationally instead of reacting to them emotionally.
  4. Don’t try to stop your thoughts. Unlike the wrong idea – you do not “empty” your brain from thoughts while meditating. Thoughts are not the enemy and if you try to struggle with them – you will only make them stronger.
  5. Act as if your thoughts are ambient noise. Try to make your brain adapt to thoughts as if they were white noise, like talking in the radio that you hear nearby. you can hear them but not focus on them. your attention is directed to the fact that you don’t listen to what’s said.
  6. Don’t judge your thoughts. They are not “good” or “bad”, since everything in your brain is equal. if you treat them with curiosity and forgiveness, it will be easier to handle them.
  7. Bring your thoughts back to track. Every Time your mind goes to negative ways, acknowledge that and re-focus into observation.
  8. Exercise this for a few minutes. Start at 10 minutes and gradually raise the time. you might feel a bit dizzy at first, because your brain will stop running in circles, but it will work. It’s even possible that you’ll recognize more thoughts then usual while doing it, but actually – you just got more aware. the more you practice – the more you can easily handle worries and be in less panic.

7 signs of bad health

bad health

Your lips are always cracked, you have a cold too many times and even though you sleep a lot you feel tired than ever. These are just some of the symptoms that can point out existing medical issues and bad health, what other signs you should pay attention for and what should you do about it?

Are we really that healthy? Usually we believe that if nothing hurts us or bothers us – then we are healthy, but turns out there are physical sings, sometimes very small, that can point out medical problems that we just don’t realize we have.
1.Your lips are cracked: Before you think anything bad – everyone has cracked lips from time to time. its important to say that cracks – especially in the sides of the mouth can point severe lack of B12 vitamin. Missing this vitamin can cause anemia that will need an immediate cure as eating rich b12 foods or taking vitamin pills.
2.You are shorter than you remember: If you didn’t hear about it before, as we grow old we “shrink” a little, and if you measure yourself at 20 and at 60 you will definitely see a difference. but the rate that it happens is what matters. If you notice this happens too fast you might want to check for osteoporosis. The problem with this disease is that if you don’t treat it in time it may cause issues in your bones and your spine to bend in a very wrong way. In an early diagnosis you might need to change your nutritions that can prevent the disease to develop more quickly.
bad health

3.You catch the cold too many times: If you suddenly notice you sneeze and have the cold more than usual, it could sign that your immune system got weaker. You could be missing Vitamin C in your body or just caught a virus that you are not aware of. A simple blood test should resolve this and give you an overall diagnostic of your body’s condition.
4.Your urine is too yellow: It is very recommended to track your urine color as its a great indicator of your health. for example – if you drink enough your urine should be clear and colorless. On the other hand – if its too dark it might point out a problem with your kidneys, if you drink a lot of water and its still the same color – you might want to get yourself examined.
5.Skin problems: If you develop acne, or different skin conditions you haven’t noticed before – it could point out a few things, one of them is that you’re just not taking care of your skin. This could also point out worse medical conditions like allergy or too much pressure in your life. Don’t forget the skin is the largest organ of the body. you don’t want to ignore the signs its giving you.
6.You are not sleeping well: If you notice that your sleeping patterns suddenly change, it should light up a red light. Sleeping problems points out a variety of bad health problems from stress to the immune system.
bad health
7.You sleep a lot but stay tired: if you’re not having any problems sleeping, but start to feel tired mid-day – it could mean there is a problem with your Thyroid gland. If you don’t take care of this problem as soon as possible you might find yourself exhausted without knowing why and step into the endless circle of coffee and red bulls to stay as awake as possible. If this lasts for too long – go check it with a doctor.

Skeleton on the Moon

skeleton on the moon
America’s Apollo 11 lunar module photographed a human skeleton on the moon when it landed there in 1969.
That’s the claim of Chinese astrophysicist Dr. Kang Mao-pang,who first floored the world when he released pictures of bare human footprints on the moon at a news conference in Beijing last winter. The scientist claimed to have received those photos – which were so secret the Apollo 11 astronauts didn’t even know they existed – from “an unimpeachable U.S. source.”
The photograph of the human skeleton was included with a second batch of photos and documents he received from the same source. “The Americans have conspired in a cover-up of monumental and possibly even criminal proportions,” Dr. Kang told newsmen in Beijing. “They hid photos of bare human footprints on the moon for 20 years and managed to keep the human skeleton secret even longer. The implications of what they found up there are staggering,” he continued. “But the Americans apparently feel that nobody else in the world is privileged enough to share the information.”
The story goes that Dr. Kang’s allegations stunned U.S. space and intelligence experts, one of whom went into hiding after reporters tried to question him in a Washington, D.C., restaurant. Other sources also allegedly refused to comment–even when told that the Chinese expert has copies of over 1,000 NASA photographs that clearly show bare human footprints and a human skeleton on the lunar surface.
skeleton on the moon

Intriguingly, the skeleton appears to have been wearing jeans. Judging from the position of the bones, it seems likely that the person it belonged to was at least partially dismembered and met with a violent death. It is also probable that the skeleton was transported into space long after the person was killed. The decomposition of bone and flesh would not have been possible in the airless atmosphere of the moon. The Chinese expert further noted that the age of the skeleton cannot be estimated without analyzing the bone firsthand.
Like the footprints on the moon, these photos were taken by a remote camera aboard the lunar lander and were given to me by an American source who is beyond reproach,” said Dr. Kang. “I am also in the possession of classified documents and letters that describe the footprints as being fresh and the skeleton unquestionably human. The question that must be answered is how the footprints and skeleton go to the moon. The obvious implication is that extraterrestrial lifeforms were involved but we’ll never know unless the Americans release the information they have.”
The documents Dr. Kang quoted from are stamped “top secret” and dated Aug. 3, 1969, which means they were written just two weeks after astronauts Neal Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed and walked on the moon–in boots, not barefoot–on July 20, 1969. Large portions of the text have been redacted in black ink. It’s clear that U.S experts agreed extraterrestrials had something to do with the bare footprints and skeleton on the moon.
Repeated attempts to get officials at any level of government to address Dr. Kang’s report were unsuccessful. Explained a Washington source: “Nobody’s going to say anything until President Bush gives the go-ahead. This isn’t any ordinary cover-up. It makes Watergate look like a Sunday School picnic. It’s that damn big.”

6 poisonous foods we know and eat

Beans, potatoes and dry fruits are just part of the foods we consider to be beneficial to our health, but can actually be considered as poisonous foods. Let’s re-think this.

Among almonds that contains cyanide, deadly poisonous mushrooms and blowfish filled with tetrodotoxin, there are a few more day to day foods that seems innocent that can cause us quite the damage. Hallucinations, vomiting, poisoning and even stomach aches can be the result of acquiring too much of the following foods:
1.Red Beans
Beans have a good reputation of a healthy food, but red kidney beans has to be cooked in boiling water for over 10 minutes at least to expel the poisonous part of it that is caused by phytohaemagglutinin. Just cooking the beans in water without boiling it can harm you even more and may double and even triple the poison part in it. Experts say that a heat blow removes the active poison so it wouldn’t be able to attack to our body cells.
poisonous foods

2. Nutmeg
A fine spice that just a pinch of it on a pasta dish will do no harm, but eating a large amount of it might lead to a series of physical reactions such as headaches, nausea, dizziness and even hallucinations. The nut has psychoactive material called Myristicin.
Experts say that every spice we’ll consume in large quantities – like rosemary, oregano and more – will make us over active.
poisonous foods

3. Brazil Nut
A different kind of a nut we should keep watch on and eat low quantities of is the Brazil nut, the one shaped like half a moon. It contains Selenium, and large quantities of it can be poisonous to our body. It is recommended to eat up to 3 brazil nuts a day to avoid the selenium poisoning.
Experts say that nuts are problematic when it comes to the human body, They are allergenics together with the fact that they are poisonous – and then the reaction could be worse the just poisoning. Nuts may be good for the heart but they contain a lot of chemicals that can do harm.
poisonous foods

4. Apricots, plums and cherries
Don’t worry, This is not about the wonderful fruits but their seeds that contain poison from the cyanide family. Notice that sometimes there is a warning sticker on different foods like jams, spreads, milk products and so on stating “Might contain seeds”. And in anyway it is not recommended to crack, swallow or chew these seeds.
Experts say that its important to check the ingredients if seeds is one of them – and if so, eat low quantities of that specific product.
poisonous foods

5. Potatoes
Potatoes with green spots are the kind that was picked before time from economical considerations and contain a poisonous solanine that does not wear off even when cooking and baking. Experts say that its not always helpful to take off the green part and it’s better to not use this specific potato at all.
poisonous foods

6. Dry fruits
Most of the dry fruits that are sold in our markets go through the process of industrial drying that includes using sulfur and potassium sorbate. It is recommended not to eat large amounts of dry fruits to not damage the digestive system. Experts say that exposure to large amounts of sulfur might cause a sensitive stomach and other digestive problems. All of the grains that were not properly stored – may contain fungus that is dangerous to us called micro-toxin. Those fun guesses might also be found in certain organic foods.
dry fruits

How long does it take the body to turn food to fat?

Your blood takes 6 weeks to regenerate, the lungs need almost 20 years to reach their peak, but the time it takes to turn food to fat is only 3 hours! You’d be surprised to know how long does it take our body to heal wounds, digest food and even reach an orgasm

Digestion: 24 hours
It may have taken you 3 seconds to eat a hotdog or a burrito, but the waste wont leave your body until the next day. once the food reaches the stomach, it will be digested into small particles thanks to the acidic environment in a speed of 3-4 calories a minute.
The acids in the stomach will have more trouble doing the same to a big and full of fat meal, but a meal containing 600 calories of meat will be in your stomach for around two-three hours.
In the next stage, the food will go down the Small intestine where it will continue to be disintegrated and the nutritional components will absorb into your bloodstream, before it will move to the colon for another two-three hours where the salts and water will be extracted from the food. 20 hours later the food will still be in the colon, so the whole process takes about 24 hours.
Surprisingly, your mood has an affect on the digestion process: anxiety can slow down the process because we need more calories to handle the stress.
food to fat

Wound recovery: up to two years
Body tissues take up to two years to recover fully from deep cuts, like those that happen due to surgery, though the process starts the second the ‘damage’ is done.
Within less than a second the blood vessels start to tighten up to reduce blood flow to the area, and blood platelets are sent to aid with the clotting. Certain components in the blood like Calcium, Vitamin K and protein create some kind of “net” that hold the platelets in place where the wound is – and the clot begins to form.
food to fat

Gaining weight: 3 hours
The fat gets to your waist in about 3 hours from the last big meal. the fat gets in the bloodstream within one hour, and after 3 hours most of it is in the fat tissue around the waist.
A meal that has more that 30g of fat will add around 3 tablespoons of fat to that tissue. this is considered to be a temporary placement for the fat and the body will use it as an energy source, unless we eat too much and then the fat will stay there – and eventually cause us to gain weight.
food to fat

Renewal of half liter of blood: up to 6 weeks
After a blood donation, it takes the plasma, the transparent-yellow stuff in our blood, about 24 hours to renew and change. The red blood cells that carry the oxygen takes longer, about six weeks.
The process starts in cells inside the lungs, that feel that the oxygen levels in the blood are dropping. those cells starts making a protein that move down the bone marrow and waken the process of making stem cells, the building blocks required for the blood cells.
Man that donate blood needs to wait at least 12 weeks before they can donate again, women have to wait around 16 weeks, because they usually suffer from lower levels of iron.
food to fat

 Urine: about an hour
In average, it takes the liquid about an hour to absorb from the bowels to the blood stream, filter by the kidneys and sent to the bladder. Coffee, that we thought might be accelerating the process – does not go faster in the body, but irritates the bladder and makes us want to use the bathroom more often. Alcohol does make more urine that sends us there.
An average bladder can hold around 300 ml of liquid, so most people needs to go to the bathroom every 3-4 hours.
Healthy men and women takes about 20-30 seconds to empty their bladder, doing so too often and in small quantities may suggest a bladder overwork, perhaps because the brain gets wrong signals it needs to empty it before its full.
food to fat

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