Your blood takes 6 weeks to regenerate, the lungs need almost 20 years to reach their peak, but the time it takes to turn food to fat is only 3 hours! You’d be surprised to know how long does it take our body to heal wounds, digest food and even reach an orgasm
Digestion: 24 hours
It may have taken you 3 seconds to eat a hotdog or a burrito, but the waste wont leave your body until the next day. once the food reaches the stomach, it will be digested into small particles thanks to the acidic environment in a speed of 3-4 calories a minute.
The acids in the stomach will have more trouble doing the same to a big and full of fat meal, but a meal containing 600 calories of meat will be in your stomach for around two-three hours.
In the next stage, the food will go down the Small intestine where it will continue to be disintegrated and the nutritional components will absorb into your bloodstream, before it will move to the colon for another two-three hours where the salts and water will be extracted from the food. 20 hours later the food will still be in the colon, so the whole process takes about 24 hours.
Surprisingly, your mood has an affect on the digestion process: anxiety can slow down the process because we need more calories to handle the stress.
Wound recovery: up to two years
Body tissues take up to two years to recover fully from deep cuts, like those that happen due to surgery, though the process starts the second the ‘damage’ is done.
Within less than a second the blood vessels start to tighten up to reduce blood flow to the area, and blood platelets are sent to aid with the clotting. Certain components in the blood like Calcium, Vitamin K and protein create some kind of “net” that hold the platelets in place where the wound is – and the clot begins to form.
Gaining weight: 3 hours
The fat gets to your waist in about 3 hours from the last big meal. the fat gets in the bloodstream within one hour, and after 3 hours most of it is in the fat tissue around the waist.
A meal that has more that 30g of fat will add around 3 tablespoons of fat to that tissue. this is considered to be a temporary placement for the fat and the body will use it as an energy source, unless we eat too much and then the fat will stay there – and eventually cause us to gain weight.
Renewal of half liter of blood: up to 6 weeks
After a blood donation, it takes the plasma, the transparent-yellow stuff in our blood, about 24 hours to renew and change. The red blood cells that carry the oxygen takes longer, about six weeks.
The process starts in cells inside the lungs, that feel that the oxygen levels in the blood are dropping. those cells starts making a protein that move down the bone marrow and waken the process of making stem cells, the building blocks required for the blood cells.
Man that donate blood needs to wait at least 12 weeks before they can donate again, women have to wait around 16 weeks, because they usually suffer from lower levels of iron.
Urine: about an hour
In average, it takes the liquid about an hour to absorb from the bowels to the blood stream, filter by the kidneys and sent to the bladder. Coffee, that we thought might be accelerating the process – does not go faster in the body, but irritates the bladder and makes us want to use the bathroom more often. Alcohol does make more urine that sends us there.
An average bladder can hold around 300 ml of liquid, so most people needs to go to the bathroom every 3-4 hours.
Healthy men and women takes about 20-30 seconds to empty their bladder, doing so too often and in small quantities may suggest a bladder overwork, perhaps because the brain gets wrong signals it needs to empty it before its full.